Posted to tcl by zipguy at Thu Nov 21 17:47:10 GMT 2013view pretty

	set _TT(pgm)						"TT"
	set _TT(pgmName)						"$_TT(pgm) - Tkcon test"
	set _TT(verMajor)						"0"
	set _TT(verMinor)						"01"
	set _TT(minutae)						"a"
# -- update checker variables
	set _TT(thisVerNumeric)				$_TT(verMajor)$_TT(verMinor)
# -- Display Version variables
	set _TT(ver)						"v$_TT(verMajor).$_TT(verMinor)$_TT(minutae)"
	set _TT(pgmNameFull)						"$_TT(pgmName) $_TT(ver)"
	set _TT(asofdate)						"2013/11/21"

	namespace eval ::tkcon {}

	# we want to have only the main interpreter
	set ::tkcon::OPT(exec) ""

	source tkcon.tcl
	package require tkcon
#	set ::tkcon::PRIV(root) .con.tkcon  ;# optional---defaults to .tkcon

	wm title . $_TT(pgmNameFull)

	set f .a
	frame $f  
	pack $f 

#	set ::tkcon::PRIV(root) .con  ;# optional---defaults to .tkcon
	label $f.a -width 80
	pack $f.a  

	button $f.b -text Console -command { tkcon show }
	pack $f.b 

	set f .con
	frame $f -bg seashell2
	pack $f -side bottom

	label $f.a -text "this is above where I'd like the console to go" -bg seashell2
	pack $f.a  -fill both

#	set ::tkcon::PRIV(root) .tkcon  ;# optional---defaults to .tkcon
	set ::tkcon::PRIV(root) .con.tkcon  ;# optional---defaults to .tkcon
#	tkcon show 
#	tkcon gets