Posted to tcl by Klipsch at Tue Jul 24 17:07:24 GMT 2007view pretty

proc set:handler {nick uhost hand chan args} {
	global conf_trigger conf_prefix conf_fields conf_seperate conf_help_use conf_help_desc

	set args [split [string trim $args "{,}"] " "]
	if { [llength $args] < 2 } {
		iprint error $chan "That's the incorrect syntax!"
		iprint info $chan "$conf_help_use(set)"
		iprint info $chan "$conf_help_desc(set)"
		iprint info $chan "Valid fields are: \002$conf_fields\002"
		return 0

	set tag [lindex $args 0]
	set field [lindex $args 1]
	set data [join [lrange $args 2 end]]

	set db [sql_connect]
	if { [mysql::exec $db "UPDATE `sites` SET `$field`='[mysql::escape $db $data]' WHERE id='$tag' LIMIT 1"] > 0 } {
		iprint success $chan "Set field data for \002[string totitle $field]\002 to \"$data\"."
	} else {
		iprint error $chan "There was an error changing data for $tag!"
	mysql::close $db