Posted to tcl by patthoyts at Tue Jul 10 14:59:24 GMT 2007view pretty

# Description:
#   Calculate the local offset from GMT in hours for use in the timestamp
proc ::smtpd::gmtoffset {} {
    set now [clock seconds]
    set local [clock format $now -format "%j %H" -gmt false]
    set zulu  [clock format $now -format "%j %H" -gmt true]
    set lh [expr {([scan [lindex $local 0] %d] * 24) \
                      + [scan [lindex $local 1] %d]}]
    set zh [expr {([scan [lindex $zulu 0] %d] * 24) \
                      + [scan [lindex $zulu 1] %d]}]
    set off [expr {$lh - $zh}]
    set off [format "%+03d00" $off]
    return $off