Posted to tcl by venks at Wed Jul 11 19:35:21 GMT 2012view raw

  1. venkat@lohit:../verif/test:15> fossil sqlite3
  2. SQLite version 3.7.11 2012-02-13 20:16:37
  3. Enter ".help" for instructions
  4. Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
  5. sqlite> vacuum;
  6. sqlite> quit
  7. ...> ;
  8. Error: near "quit": syntax error
  9. sqlite> .quit
  10. venkat@lohit:../verif/test:16> fossil rebuild
  11. fossil: SQLITE_CORRUPT: database corruption at line 53465 of [84b324606a]
  12. fossil: SQLITE_CORRUPT: statement aborts at 5: []
  13. fossil: SQLITE_CORRUPT: statement aborts at 5: [ATTACH DATABASE '/proj/bl\enny/dbs/lepton.fossil' AS repository] unable to open database: /proj/ble\nny/dbs/lepton.fossil
  14. fossil: unable to open database: /proj/blenny/dbs/lepton.fossil
  15. ATTACH DATABASE '/proj/blenny/dbs/lepton.fossil' AS repository
  17. If you have recently updated your fossil executable, you might
  18. need to run "fossil all rebuild" to bring the repository
  19. schemas up to date.