Posted to tcl by mjanssen at Tue Apr 12 22:41:37 GMT 2011view pretty

[23:31]	<yy0621>	rmax- Es%%i ,can't use in matlab
[23:31]	rmax	yy0621: why not?
[23:31]	mjanssen	yy0621 why cant you use that?

[23:40]	rmax	yy0621: let's try to get the whole picture:
[23:40]	mjanssen	yy0621 are you creating the matlab script in Tcl?
[23:40]	   * rmax was going to ask mjanssen's question.
[23:40]	rmax	Ah - no, I was going to ask it the other way around: Are you creating a Tcl script from Matlab?
[23:41]	<yy0621>	rmax:i can use %% instead % in matlab,but if i do this,i can not read Es%%i in other program.

[00:01]	mjanssen	yy0621 if you can explain the whole story, step by step with expected output we can tell you why you don't need it
[00:01]	rmax	yy0621: we already gave you the answer to this question. Multiple times. Now we're trying to understand the core of your problem, so that we can guide you to a different solution.

[00:03]	mjanssen	yy0621 did you ever try the %%i option?
[00:03]	<yy0621>	so sorry waste your time
[00:04]	mjanssen	try it
[00:04]	<yy0621>	mjanssen---i try it ,but it does not running
[00:04]	rmax	... and if you tried %%i and it failed, which error did you get from what program?
[00:04]      mjanssen	what is the error?

[00:07]	<yy0621>	yes ,i can't use matlab calculate,so i can not change % to %%,because,if i  became%%,i can't running it
[00:07]	rmax	Don't speculate, try!
[00:08]	mjanssen	yy0621 don't speculate

[00:18]	mjanssen	or simply Es$k
[00:18]	rmax	... or in the case of %i, just use Es$k .

[00:19]	<yy0621>	instead Es%i
[00:20]	rmax	fprintf(fid,'set dataDir "Result$k";\n')
[00:20]	mjanssen	fprintf(fid,'set dataDi"Result$k";\n')
[00:20]	   * schelte enjoys seeing mjanssen and rmax continuously agreeing