Posted to tcl by colin at Thu May 31 15:54:33 GMT 2007view pretty

Robert Abitbol How about getting yourself a female companion? That could be a start.
[CMcC] couldn't handle another, thanks anyway for the thought.
Robert Abitbol lol
[CMcC] Since you're giving out free advice on female companions ... should I choose one with a flower's name?
Robert Abitbol lol. Rose, Tulip are OK names. You may also chose a girl according to your astrological sign.
[CMcC] How about Lily, or Dalia?
Robert Abitbol That is very interesting. You'll have to tell me how you got the information or you'll be in deep trouble.
[CMcC] I think you'll find that I don't have to tell you how I get any information, that your ability to inflict trouble upon me is more severely limited than you can imagine, and that there's plenty more where that came from.
Robert Abitbol You have two choices at this point:
1) You tell me how you got the information.
2) You'll tell the police how you got the information.
You crossed the line, [].
[CMcC] Oh, this again? The police? Old song, ridiculous lyrics. My choice is #3: I tell you to do a variety of unpleasant sexual things to yourself, you find yourself completely impotent to do anything about it, and you never know when the footwear will hit the floorboards.
Robert Abitbol OK.
[CMcC] Glad we understand one another.