Posted to tcl by Emiliano at Tue May 22 18:06:47 GMT 2007view pretty

XPoints points[3];
    GC arrowGC;
    int x, y, w, h;
    XColor *black;

    black = Tk_GetColor(widgetPtr->interp, widgetPtr->tkwin, "black");
    arrowGC = Tk_GCForColor(black, pixmap);

    /*assign values to points, x, y, w and h*/

    XFillPolygon(widgetPtr->display, pixmap, arrowGC,
         points, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);


    XPoints points[3];
    GC arrowGC;
    int x, y, w, h;

    arrowGC = Tk_GCForColor(Tk_GetColor(widgetPtr->interp, 
            widgetPtr->tkwin, "black"), pixmap);

    /*assign values to points, x, y, w and h*/

    XFillPolygon(widgetPtr->display, pixmap, arrowGC,
         points, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);