Posted to tcl by emiliano at Thu Nov 11 19:26:09 GMT 2010view pretty

package require Tk

proc buildtree {tv} {
    catch {destroy $tv}
    append tv $i
    ttk::treeview $tv -columns {hello bye} -show headings
    $tv column hello -width 120 -stretch 0
    $tv column bye   -width 120 -stretch 0
    $tv heading hello -text "Hello\nWorld"
    $tv heading bye   -text "Bye\nWorld"
    # this set the correct heading height, but only on the first treeview
    $tv heading #0 -text "H\nj"
    pack $tv

buildtree .tv
after 3000 buildtree .tv


Posted by emiliano at Thu Nov 11 19:36:25 GMT 2010 [text] [code]

oops, remove the [append tv $i] line