Posted to tcl by mjanssen at Fri May 04 10:16:09 GMT 2007view pretty

# Set up the 'chan' ensemble (TIP #208).
    namespace eval chan {
        # TIP #219. Added methods: create, postevent.
	# TIP 287.  Added method: pending.
        namespace ensemble create -command ::chan -map {
            blocked     ::tcl::chan::blocked
            close       ::tcl::chan::close
            configure   ::tcl::chan::configure
            copy        ::tcl::chan::copy
            create      ::tcl::chan::rCreate
            eof         ::tcl::chan::eof
            event       ::tcl::chan::event
            flush       ::tcl::chan::flush
            gets        ::tcl::chan::gets
            mode        {::tcl::chan::mode}
            names       {::file channels}
	    pending	::tcl::chan::Pending
            postevent   ::tcl::chan::rPostevent
            puts        ::tcl::chan::puts
            read        ::tcl::chan::read
            seek        ::tcl::chan::seek
            tell        ::tcl::chan::tell
            truncate    ::tcl::chan::Truncate