Posted to tcl by colin at Thu Dec 03 08:49:51 GMT 2009view pretty


Much as I understand that people (mostly contractors resident on-site) would like continuous network connectivity, it's a big ask of the volunteers who have to get the thing up and running before Jamboree to guarantee that, or any, level of service before the network's even fully commissioned.

I think what's needed here is expectation management:  I think the Jan1 deadline's the main goal, and is going to be hard enough to hit, and that's only being made harder by us having unexpected presumptive stakeholders imposing prior restraint on what can be done in the provisioning of what are *extremely* complex systems being deployed under less than ideal circumstances.

I'm providing one of the two tunnels into the site for maintenance, deployment, ongoing development, and such, and I would like to move off the tunnel to a direct connection to csp aka Scout.  The last network outage was due to Alan trying to achieve that, working with sub-standard network connectivity from Telstra (ie: they should be providing a gateway routing protocol, they aren't; they should be providing a contiguous range of IP addresses, they aren't) trying to achieve that goal in his Copious Free Time.

The goals of getting the thing going by the drop-dead date, using as few scarce and overworked volunteer resources as possible (and as respectfully as possible,) and providing Tim with connectivity to run his business on-site are, to my mind, somewhat antithetical.

I don't know what their contract is, but I'd have thought that the network was not primarily for their use, and that access to the network for them is more of a perq than a contractual right.  If I were them, I'd be grateful not to have to provide my own costly networking, rather than snarky because the newly commissioned network might go down.

If it were me, I'd tell 'em to get back in their box with their GPRS sims, and probably trigger a strike :)

Meanwhile, Alan, who's working all the hours he's got in a *volunteer* capacity, is having to work around Tim's business hours, and the effective subsidy we're giving Tim?  Pardon me, but I don't think it's right for us to do that.
