Posted to tcl by patthoyts at Sun Nov 15 11:24:43 GMT 2009view pretty

cgi @@{closed 0}
error @@{cgi header: unknown or ambiguous subcommand "Resume": must be Accepted, Bad, BasicAuth, Cache, Cache\
ableContent, CacheableFile, Conflict, Created, CredCheck, Credentials, DCache, Date, DateInSeconds, Depends, \
ErrorMsg, File, Forbidden, Found, GatewayTimeout, Moved, NoCache, NoContent, NonAuthoritative, NotFound, NotI\
mplemented, NotModified, Now, Ok, Ok+, OkResponse, PartialContent, Pass, PreconditionFailed, Redir, Redirect,\
 RedirectReferer, Referer, Refresh, Relocated, ResetContent, SeeOther, ServerError, Suspend, UnVary, Unauthor\
ized, Unavailable, Vary, clf, dump, expunge, genRedirect, loadContent, nonRouting?, setCType, sysPage, or tit\
le (-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode {TCL LOOKUP SUBCOMMAND Resume} -errorinfo {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "R\
esume": must be Accepted, Bad, BasicAuth, Cache, CacheableContent, CacheableFile, Conflict, Created, CredChec\
k, Credentials, DCache, Date, DateInSeconds, Depends, ErrorMsg, File, Forbidden, Found, GatewayTimeout, Moved\
, NoCache, NoContent, NonAuthoritative, NotFound, NotImplemented, NotModified, Now, Ok, Ok+, OkResponse, Part\
ialContent, Pass, PreconditionFailed, Redir, Redirect, RedirectReferer, Referer, Refresh, Relocated, ResetCon\
tent, SeeOther, ServerError, Suspend, UnVary, Unauthorized, Unavailable, Vary, clf, dump, expunge, genRedirec\
t, loadContent, nonRouting?, setCType, sysPage, or title\n    while executing\n"Http Resume $r"\n    (class "\
::CGI" method "closed" line 62)\n    invoked from within\n"my closed $r $pipe"} -errorline 6)}