Posted to tcl by colin at Fri Aug 07 00:53:59 GMT 2009view pretty

append inner [my card id 7 type creole name "Features" footer "The footer would contain useful information or links" {
	    This demo card displays the following features:

	    * System
	    ** direct rendering of content
	    ** direct transclusion of content
	    ** Creole client-side conversion
	    ** Creole transclusion
	    ** card nesting
	    ** editor on non-existent card
	    ** reporting of failed card load
	    * GUI
	    ** clicking on title hides content.
	    ** hover over titlebar displays menu
	    ** hover over footer displays footer
	    ** step-indendation of nested transclusion

	    And the following flaws:
	    * System
	    ** the front-end isn't hooked up to back-end semantics yet
	    * GUI
	    ** hiding then showing a card changes the relative size of titlebar
	}] \n