Posted to tcl by kostix at Wed Feb 21 16:41:54 GMT 2007view raw
- # $Id$
- proc btags {what args} {
- switch -glob -- $what {
- add { eval btags::add $args }
- remove { eval btags::remove $args }
- default {
- error "Bad option: "$what": must be add, remove"
- }
- }
- }
- namespace eval btags {}
- proc btags::add {where what args} {
- set which ""
- set off 0
- foreach {opt val} $args {
- switch -glob -- $opt {
- -before {
- set which $val
- set off 1
- }
- -after {
- set which $val
- set off 0
- }
- default {
- error "bad option \"$opt\": must be -before, -after"
- }
- }
- }
- set btags [bindtags $where]
- if {[string equal $which ""]} {
- set ix 0
- } else {
- set ix [lsearch -exact $btags $which]
- if {$ix < 0} {
- error "bindtag \"$which\" is not defined for \"$where\""
- }
- incr ix $off
- }
- bindtags $where [linsert $btags $ix $what]
- }
- proc btags::remove {where what} {
- set btags [bindtags $where]
- set ix [lsearch -exact $btags $what]
- if {$ix < 0} {
- error "bindtag \"$what\" is not defined for \"$where\""
- }
- bindtags $where [lreplace $btags $ix $ix]
- }
- ### JUNK ###
- if 1 {
- namespace eval hook {
- proc run args {}
- }
- }
- bind TkabberTextActions <Button-3> \
- [list tk_messageBox -message {Menu placeholder}]
- # The trickery (see
- rename entry orig.entry
- rename text orig.text
- proc entry {w args} {
- eval [linsert $args 0 orig.entry $w]
- btags add $w TkabberTextActions -before Entry
- hook::run entry_created_hook $w $args
- return $w
- }
- proc text {w args} {
- eval [linsert $args 0 orig.text $w]
- btags add $w TkabberTextActions -before Text
- hook::run text_created_hook $w $args
- return $w
- }
- ### TEST ###
- if 1 {
- pack [entry .e] -fill x -expand true
- pack [text .t] -fill x -expand true
- pack [button .b -text REMOVE -command \
- [list btags remove .e TkabberTextActions]]
- }