Posted to tcl by mjanssen at Fri May 08 15:57:24 GMT 2009view pretty

frame .windows
frame .form
frame .inbox

frame .buttons

grid [button .buttons.inbox -text Inbox -command show_inbox] -sticky ew
grid [button .buttons.form -text Studenform -command show_form] -stick ew

label .form.lbl -text "This is the form"
label .inbox.lbl -text "This is the inbox"

pack .form.lbl -expand 1 -fill both
pack .inbox.lbl -expand 1 -fill both

proc show_form {} {
    raise .form

proc show_inbox {} {
    raise .inbox

grid .buttons .windows
grid .inbox -in .windows -column 0 -row 0
grid .form -in .windows -column 0 -row 0