Posted to tcl by gps at Wed Mar 11 04:37:28 GMT 2009view raw

  1. ==15551==
  2. ==15551== ERROR SUMMARY: 4364 errors from 14 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 1)
  3. ==15551== malloc/free: in use at exit: 7,644,573 bytes in 83,802 blocks.
  4. ==15551== malloc/free: 6,945,423 allocs, 6,861,621 frees, 709,242,627 bytes allocated.
  5. ==15551== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
  6. ==15551== searching for pointers to 83,802 not-freed blocks.
  7. ==15551== checked 5,774,060 bytes.
  8. ==15551==
  9. ==15551== LEAK SUMMARY:
  10. ==15551== definitely lost: 313 bytes in 23 blocks.
  11. ==15551== possibly lost: 52,800 bytes in 22 blocks.
  12. ==15551== still reachable: 7,591,460 bytes in 83,757 blocks.
  13. ==15551== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
  14. ==15551== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.