Posted to tcl by emiliano at Thu Feb 05 21:06:35 GMT 2009view raw
- package require Tk 8.5
- package require Tcl 8.5
- canvas .c -xscrollcommand {.sx set} -yscrollcommand {.sy set}\
- -bg white -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
- ttk::scrollbar .sx -command {.c xview} -orient horizontal
- ttk::scrollbar .sy -command {.c yview} -orient vertical
- grid .c .sy -sticky news
- grid .sx -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
- set w [expr {int([winfo screenwidth .]*0.85)}]
- set h [expr {int([winfo screenheight .]*0.85)}]
- set img [image create photo -width $w -height $h]
- $img put black -to 0 0 $w $h
- .c create image {0 0} -image $img -anchor nw
- .c configure -scrollregion [.c bbox all]
- #(8<)============================================================(8<)
- This code shows the same behaviour as the previous post and is smaller
Posted by emiliano at Thu Feb 05 21:13:34 GMT 2009 [text] [code]
forgot to add: resize the window so that it occupies the full width of the screen and scroll the canvas vertically