Posted to tcl by emiliano at Thu Feb 05 03:03:20 GMT 2009view raw
- package require Tk 8.5
- catch {package require Img}
- package require img::jpeg
- #package require tktray
- package require http
- ttk::setTheme clam
- proc getMap {} {
- global config
- set fd [open $config(tmpfile) w]
- fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation binary
- set tok [http::geturl $config(url) -channel $fd -binary 1]
- http::cleanup $tok
- close $fd
- }
- proc setImage {} {
- global config
- $config(image) configure -file $config(tmpfile)
- #after idle [list .c configure -scrollregion [.c bbox all]]
- file delete $config(tmpfile)
- }
- proc mainLoop { s } {
- after [expr { 1000 * $s }] [info level 0]
- getMap
- setImage
- wm state . normal
- }
- set config(image) [image create photo]
- set config(url) \
- set config(tmpfile) /tmp/[string trim [expr {[clock clicks] % [pid] }]].jpg
- wm state . withdrawn
- canvas .c -xscrollcommand {.sx set} -yscrollcommand {.sy set} \
- -scrollregion { -50 0 1014 768 }
- ttk::scrollbar .sx -command {.c xview} -orient horizontal
- ttk::scrollbar .sy -command {.c yview} -orient vertical
- grid .c .sy -sticky news
- grid .sx -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
- .c create image {0 0} -anchor nw -image $config(image)
- mainLoop 1800
- bind all <p> {puts [winfo width .c]}
- =============================================================================
- The image showed is 964 pixels width x 768 pixels height.
- When the image fit in the canvas width, the vertical scrolling becomes
- notoriously sluggish, in my case when the canvas width is 966 (I guess
- this value is width of the canvas area + 2 * canvas borderwidth).
- When the image doesn't fit in the canvas width, the vertical scrolling
- is normal (smooth).
- The difference is notorious when dragging the vertical scrollbar thumb
Posted by emiliano at Thu Feb 05 21:00:38 GMT 2009 [text] [code]
this new code is smaller and shows the same behaviour package require Tk 8.5 package require Tcl 8.5 canvas .c -xscrollcommand {.sx set} -yscrollcommand {.sy set}\ -bg white -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 ttk::scrollbar .sx -command {.c xview} -orient horizontal ttk::scrollbar .sy -command {.c yview} -orient vertical grid .c .sy -sticky news grid .sx -sticky news grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 set w [expr {int([winfo screenwidth .]*0.85)}] set h [expr {int([winfo screenheight .]*0.85)}] set img [image create photo -width $w -height $h] $img put black -to 0 0 $w $h .c create image {0 0} -image $img -anchor nw .c configure -scrollregion [.c bbox all]