Posted to tcl by emiliano at Tue Sep 30 20:26:00 GMT 2008view raw
- package require Tk 8.5
- namespace eval ttk {
- namespace eval spinbox {}
- image create bitmap ttk::spinbox::up -data {
- #define up_width 7
- #define up_height 4
- static unsigned char up_bits[] = {
- 0x08, 0x1c, 0x3e, 0x7f};
- }
- image create bitmap ttk::spinbox::down -data {
- #define down_width 7
- #define down_height 4
- static unsigned char down_bits[] = {
- 0x7f, 0x3e, 0x1c, 0x08};
- }
- ttk::style configure TSpinbox.Toolbutton -padding 0
- option add * TSpinbox.Toolbutton
- option add *TSpinbox.TButton.takeFocus 0
- option add *TSpinbox.u.image ttk::spinbox::up
- option add *TSpinbox.d.image ttk::spinbox::down
- }
- proc ttk::spinbox {w args} {
- # check whether $w exists
- if {[winfo exists $w]} {
- error "$w already exists in parent"
- }
- # create a namespace to hold private variables
- namespace eval ttk::spinbox::${w} {
- variable widget
- array set widget {}
- }
- # create the widget
- ttk::frame $w -class TSpinbox
- set e [ttk::entry $w.e]
- set u [ttk::button $w.u]
- set d [ttk::button $w.d]
- grid $e $u -sticky news
- grid ^ $d -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- bind $w <<ThemeChanged>> {
- ttk::style configure TSpinbox.Toolbutton -padding 0
- }
- # move all instance commands to the private namespace
- rename $w [namespace current]::${w}::${w}
- # install our custom widget command
- proc $w args [list [namespace current]::instancecmd $w {*}$args]
- # return the newly created widget name
- return $w
- }
- proc ttk::spinbox::instancecmd {w args} {
- }
- proc ttk::spinbox::configurecmd {args} {
- }
- proc ttk::spinbox::destroycmd {w} {
- namespace delete ttk::spinbox::${w}
- }
- # test
- if 1 {
- set i 0
- foreach theme [ttk::themes] {
- after [expr {5000 * [incr i]} ] [list ttk::setTheme $theme]
- puts $theme
- }
- place [ttk::frame .bf] -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
- set w [ttk::spinbox .w]
- pack $w -pady 3
- set cb [ttk::combobox .cb]
- pack $cb -pady 3
- }