Posted to tcl by Stu at Thu Jul 24 00:05:03 GMT 2008view pretty
SpiteTool 0.1 Directories --appdir dir Usually the name of the app [spite] --prefix dir Install prefix [/usr/local] --bindir dir Executable files dir [$prefix/bin] --libdir dir Library files dir [$prefix/lib] --scriptdir dir Script files dir [$prefix/lib/spite] --mandir dir Man files dir [$prefix/man] --mansect dir Man files section [n] --docdir dir Documentation files dir [$prefix/share/doc/$appdir] --exdir dir Example files dir [$prefix/share/examples/$appdir] --confdir dir Configuration files dir [$prefix/lib/spite] --tmpdir dir Dir used during installation for temporary files [/tmp] --destdir dir Super-prefix installation dir, does not affect --tmpdir [] --srcdir dir Top-level source dir [location of spite.conf] Modifiers --owner owner Install files as owner:group Owner and group must --group group both be specified if "chown" is to be performed --datamask mask Mask for data files [0444] --scriptmask mask Mask for executable files [0555] --tclsh file Path to tclsh [] --wish file Path to wish [] --sed file Sed program [sed] --sum file Checksum program ("" will disable checksumming) [sha1] --spiteconf file Location of spite.conf [current dir] Actions (mutually exclusive) --install Perform installation --gsc Generate spite.conf config file --gsi Generate sh script installer --gti Generate Tcl script installer --gopm Generate OpenBSD port Makefile --checksum Run a checksum on the files --info Display program info --readme Display readme --license Display license --help This information --usage Display SpiteTool usage message (default action if no options given) --ver Display SpiteTool version Action Modifiers --man Install man (nroff) documentation (default if none specified) --html Install HTML documentation --quiet Do not display messages --fake Show messages, do not perform actions --gui GUI mode --dump Raw dump of SpiteTool state vars