Posted to tcl by mjanssen at Tue Sep 18 09:57:53 GMT 2007view pretty

$ make test TESTFLAGS="-file ttk.test -debug 3"
Tests running in interp:  c:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win/tktest.exe
Tests located in:  C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/tests
Tests running in:  C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win
Temporary files stored in C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win
Test files sourced into current interpreter
Running tests that match:  *
Skipping test files that match:  l.*.test
Only running test files that match:  ttk.test
Tests began at Tue Sep 18 11:53:33 +0200 2007

Tests ended at Tue Sep 18 11:53:33 +0200 2007
all.tcl:        Total   0       Passed  0       Skipped 0       Failed  0
Sourced 0 Test Files.
entering testConstraint interactive
entering SafeFetch testConstraints interactive r
entering ConstraintInitializer interactive
entering testConstraint interactive 0
stderr32Tests running in interp:  c:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win/tktest.exe
Tests located in:  C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/tests/ttk
Tests running in:  C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win
Temporary files stored in C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win
Test files run in separate interpreters
Running tests that match:  *
Skipping test files that match:  l.*.test
Only running test files that match:  ttk.test
Tests began at Tue Sep 18 11:53:33 +0200 2007
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -
load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option cat32.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option config.status: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option libtkstub85.a: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option Makefile: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option mkd.bat: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option rc: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -loadfi
le, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option rmd.bat: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option stubs.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tcl.m4: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -lo
adfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tk.res.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tk85.dll: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkAtom.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkBitmap.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvArc.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvBmap.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvLine.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvPs.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvUtil.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkClipboard.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkColor.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkConsole.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkEntry.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkEvent.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkFocus.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkFrame.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkGeometry.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkGrab.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkImage.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkImgGIF.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkImgPPM.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkListbox.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkMain.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkMenubutton.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkMessage.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkOldConfig.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkOption.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkPanedWindow.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -
load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkPointer.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkScale.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkSelect.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkStubInit.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkStyle.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTest.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTextBTree.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTextImage.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTextMark.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTextWind.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkUndo.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkUnixScale.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkVisual.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWin32Dll.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWin3d.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinButton.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinClipboard.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints,
-load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinColor.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinConfig.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinCursor.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinDefault.h: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinDialog.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinDraw.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinEmbed.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinFont.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinImage.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinInit.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinInt.h: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinKey.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinMenu.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinPixmap.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinPointer.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinRegion.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinScrlbr.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinSend.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinSendCom.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinSendCom.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinTest.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinWindow.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinWm.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinX.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkButton.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkClamTheme.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkDefaultTheme.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints,
 -load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkEntry.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkImage.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkLabel.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkManager.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkPanedwindow.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints,
-load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkScale.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkScrollbar.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkSquare.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkStubInit.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkTagSet.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkTrace.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkTreeview.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkWinMonitor.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -
load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkWinTheme.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkWinXPTheme.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -
load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option winMain.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option wish.exe.manifest: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints,
 -load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option wish.res.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option xcolors.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option xgc.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -loa
dfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option xutil.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option l.*.test: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option 0: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -loadfil
e, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option aclocal.m4: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option cat32.exe: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option config.log: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option configure: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option libtk85.a: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option license.terms: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option makefile.bc: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option nmakehlp.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option README: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -lo
adfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option stubs.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option testMain.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tk3d.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -lo
adfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkArgv.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkBind.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkButton.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvas.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvImg.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvPoly.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvText.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCanvWind.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCmds.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkConfig.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkCursor.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkError.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkFileFilter.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkFont.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkGC.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -lo
adfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkGet.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkGrid.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkImgBmap.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkImgPhoto.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkImgUtil.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkMacWinMenu.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkMenu.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkMenuDraw.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkObj.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkOldTest.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkPack.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkPlace.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkRectOval.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkScrollbar.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkSquare.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkStubLib.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tktest.exe: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkText.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTextDisp.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTextIndex.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTextTag.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkTrig.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkUnixMenubu.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkUtil.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWin.h: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWin32Dll.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWin3d.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinButton.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinClipboard.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints,
-load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinColor.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinConfig.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinCursor.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinDialog.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWindow.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinDraw.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinEmbed.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinFont.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinImage.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinInit.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinKey.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinMenu.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinPixmap.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinPointer.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinPort.h: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinRegion.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinScrlbr.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinSend.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinSendCom.h: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinTest.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinWindow.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinWm.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option tkWinX.c: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkBlink.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkCache.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkClassicTheme.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints,
 -load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkElements.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkFrame.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkInit.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkLayout.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkNotebook.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkProgress.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkScroll.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkSeparator.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -l
oad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkState.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkStubLib.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -loa
d, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkTheme.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkTrack.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkWidget.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load
, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkWinMonitor.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -
load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkWinTheme.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -lo
ad, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ttkWinXPTheme.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -
load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option winMain.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
-loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstrain
ts, -load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option wish85.exe: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load,
 -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option xdraw.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -l
oadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
WARNING: unknown option ximage.o: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -
loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
Flags passed into tcltest:
    argv: -asidefromdir {} -constraints {} -debug 3 -errfile stderr -file ttk.test -limitconstraints 0 -load {} -loadfile {} -match
aclocal.m4 cat32.exe cat32.o config.log config.status configure libtk85.a libtkstub85.a license.terms M
akefile makefile.bc mkd.bat nmakehlp.c rc README rmd.bat stubs.c stubs.o tcl.m4 testMain.o tk.res.o
 tk3d.o tk85.dll tkArgv.o tkAtom.o tkBind.o tkBitmap.o tkButton.o tkCanvArc.o tkCanvas.o tkCanvBmap.o tkCanvImg.o tkCanvLine.o tkCan
vPoly.o tkCanvPs.o tkCanvText.o tkCanvUtil.o tkCanvWind.o tkClipboard.o tkCmds.o tkColor.o tkConfig.o tkC
onsole.o tkCursor.o tkEntry.o tkError.o tkEvent.o tkFileFilter.o tkFocus.o tkFont.o tkFrame.o tkGC.o tkGeometry.o tkGet.o tkGrab.o t
kGrid.o tkImage.o tkImgBmap.o tkImgGIF.o tkImgPhoto.o tkImgPPM.o tkImgUtil.o tkListbox.o tkMacWinMenu.o tkMain.o tkMenu.o tkMenubutt
on.o tkMenuDraw.o tkMessage.o tkObj.o tkOldConfig.o tkOldTest.o tkOption.o tkPack.o tkPanedWindow.o tkPlace.o tkPointer.o tkRectOval
.o tkScale.o tkScrollbar.o tkSelect.o tkSquare.o tkStubInit.o tkStubLib.o tkStyle.o tktest.exe tkTest.o tkText.o tkTextBTree.o tkTex
tDisp.o tkTextImage.o tkTextIndex.o tkTextMark.o tkTextTag.o tkTextWind.o tkTrig.o tkUndo.o tkUnixMenubu.o tkUnixScale.o tkUtil.o tk
Visual.o tkWin.h tkWin32Dll.c tkWin32Dll.o tkWin3d.c tkWin3d.o tkWinButton.c tkWinButton.o tkWinClipboard.c tkWinClipboard.o tkWinCo
lor.c tkWinColor.o tkWinConfig.c tkWinConfig.o tkWinCursor.c tkWinCursor.o tkWinDefault.h tkWinDialog.c tkWinDialog.o tkWindow.o tkW
inDraw.c tkWinDraw.o tkWinEmbed.c tkWinEmbed.o tkWinFont.c tkWinFont.o tkWinImage.c tkWinImage.o tkWinInit.c tkWinInit.o tkWinInt.h
tkWinKey.c tkWinKey.o tkWinMenu.c tkWinMenu.o tkWinPixmap.c tkWinPixmap.o tkWinPointer.c tkWinPointer.o tkWinPort.h tkWinRegion.c tk
WinRegion.o tkWinScrlbr.c tkWinScrlbr.o tkWinSend.c tkWinSend.o tkWinSendCom.c tkWinSendCom.h tkWinSendCom.o tkWinTest.c tkWinTest.o
 tkWinWindow.c tkWinWindow.o tkWinWm.c tkWinWm.o tkWinX.c tkWinX.o ttkBlink.o ttkButton.o ttkCache.o ttkClamTheme.o ttkClassicTheme.
o ttkDefaultTheme.o ttkElements.o ttkEntry.o ttkFrame.o ttkImage.o ttkInit.o ttkLabel.o ttkLayout.o ttkManager.o ttkNotebook.o ttkPa
nedwindow.o ttkProgress.o ttkScale.o ttkScroll.o ttkScrollbar.o ttkSeparator.o ttkSquare.o ttkState.o ttkStubInit.o ttkStubLib.o ttk
TagSet.o ttkTheme.o ttkTrace.o ttkTrack.o ttkTreeview.o ttkWidget.o ttkWinMonitor.c ttkWinMonitor.o ttkWinTheme.c ttkWinTheme.o ttkW
inXPTheme.c ttkWinXPTheme.o winMain.c winMain.o wish.exe.manifest wish.res.o wish85.exe xcolors.o xdraw.o xgc.o
 ximage.o xutil.o -notfile l.*.test -preservecore 0 -relateddir aclocal.m4 cat32.exe cat32.o config.log config.statu
s configure libtk85.a libtkstub85.a license.terms Makefile makefile.bc mkd.bat nmakehlp.c rc RE
ADME rmd.bat stubs.c stubs.o tcl.m4 testMain.o tk.res.o tk3d.o tk85.dll tkArgv.o tkAtom.o tkBind.o tkBitmap.o tkButton.o tk
CanvArc.o tkCanvas.o tkCanvBmap.o tkCanvImg.o tkCanvLine.o tkCanvPoly.o tkCanvPs.o tkCanvText.o tkCanvUtil.o tkCanvWind.o tkClipboar
d.o tkCmds.o tkColor.o tkConfig.o tkConsole.o tkCursor.o tkEntry.o tkError.o tkEvent.o tkFileFilter.o tkF
ocus.o tkFont.o tkFrame.o tkGC.o tkGeometry.o tkGet.o tkGrab.o tkGrid.o tkImage.o tkImgBmap.o tkImgGIF.o tkImgPhoto.o tkImgPPM.o tkI
mgUtil.o tkListbox.o tkMacWinMenu.o tkMain.o tkMenu.o tkMenubutton.o tkMenuDraw.o tkMessage.o tkObj.o tkOldConfig.o tkOldTest.o tkOp
tion.o tkPack.o tkPanedWindow.o tkPlace.o tkPointer.o tkRectOval.o tkScale.o tkScrollbar.o tkSelect.o tkSquare.o tkStubInit.o tkStub
Lib.o tkStyle.o tktest.exe tkTest.o tkText.o tkTextBTree.o tkTextDisp.o tkTextImage.o tkTextIndex.o tkTextMark.o tkTextTag.o tkTextW
ind.o tkTrig.o tkUndo.o tkUnixMenubu.o tkUnixScale.o tkUtil.o tkVisual.o tkWin.h tkWin32Dll.c tkWin32Dll.o tkWin3d.c tkWin3d.o tkWin
Button.c tkWinButton.o tkWinClipboard.c tkWinClipboard.o tkWinColor.c tkWinColor.o tkWinConfig.c tkWinConfig.o tkWinCursor.c tkWinCu
rsor.o tkWinDefault.h tkWinDialog.c tkWinDialog.o tkWindow.o tkWinDraw.c tkWinDraw.o tkWinEmbed.c tkWinEmbed.o tkWinFont.c tkWinFont
.o tkWinImage.c tkWinImage.o tkWinInit.c tkWinInit.o tkWinInt.h tkWinKey.c tkWinKey.o tkWinMenu.c tkWinMenu.o tkWinPixmap.c tkWinPix
map.o tkWinPointer.c tkWinPointer.o tkWinPort.h tkWinRegion.c tkWinRegion.o tkWinScrlbr.c tkWinScrlbr.o tkWinSend.c tkWinSend.o tkWi
nSendCom.c tkWinSendCom.h tkWinSendCom.o tkWinTest.c tkWinTest.o tkWinWindow.c tkWinWindow.o tkWinWm.c tkWinWm.o tkWinX.c tkWinX.o t
tkBlink.o ttkButton.o ttkCache.o ttkClamTheme.o ttkClassicTheme.o ttkDefaultTheme.o ttkElements.o ttkEntry.o ttkFrame.o ttkImage.o t
tkInit.o ttkLabel.o ttkLayout.o ttkManager.o ttkNotebook.o ttkPanedwindow.o ttkProgress.o ttkScale.o ttkScroll.o ttkScrollbar.o ttkS
eparator.o ttkSquare.o ttkState.o ttkStubInit.o ttkStubLib.o ttkTagSet.o ttkTheme.o ttkTrace.o ttkTrack.o ttkTreeview.o ttkWidget.o
ttkWinMonitor.c ttkWinMonitor.o ttkWinTheme.c ttkWinTheme.o ttkWinXPTheme.c ttkWinXPTheme.o winMain.c winMain.o wish.exe.manifest wi wish.res.o wish85.exe xcolors.o xdraw.o xgc.o ximage.o xutil.o -singleproc 0 -skip {} -testdir C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/te
sts/ttk -tmpdir C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win -verbose {body error}
tcltest::debug              = 3
tcltest::testsDirectory     = C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/tests/ttk
tcltest::workingDirectory   = C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win
tcltest::temporaryDirectory = C:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win
tcltest::outputChannel      = stdout
tcltest::errorChannel       = stderr
Original environment (tcltest::originalEnv):
originalEnv(!::)                    = ::\
originalEnv(ALLUSERSPROFILE)        = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
originalEnv(APPDATA)                = C:\Documents and Settings\nlv18605\Application Data
originalEnv(COMMONPROGRAMFILES)     = C:\Program Files\Common Files
originalEnv(COMPUTERNAME)           = NLVNYMAC01DT597
originalEnv(COMSPEC)                = C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
originalEnv(CONFIG_SITE)            = C:/msys/etc/
originalEnv(FP_NO_HOST_CHECK)       = NO
originalEnv(HISTFILE)               = h:/Data/.bash_history
originalEnv(HOME)                   = h:\Data
originalEnv(HOMEDRIVE)              = \\
originalEnv(HOMEPATH)               = NLVNYMAC01MSV01\nlv18605$
originalEnv(HOMESHARE)              = \\NLVNYMAC01MSV01\nlv18605$
originalEnv(HOSTNAME)               = NLVNYMAC01DT597
originalEnv(HOSTTYPE)               = i686
originalEnv(LOGNAME)                = nlv18605
originalEnv(LOGONSERVER)            = \\NLVNYMAC01DC001
originalEnv(MACHTYPE)               = i686-pc-msys
originalEnv(MAKEFLAGS)              =  --unix -- TESTFLAGS=-file\ ttk.test\ -debug\ 3
originalEnv(MAKELEVEL)              = 1
originalEnv(MAKEOVERRIDES)          = ${-*-command-variables-*-}
originalEnv(MAKE_MODE)              = unix
originalEnv(MFLAGS)                 = - --unix
originalEnv(MSYSTEM)                = MINGW32
originalEnv(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)   = 1
originalEnv(OS)                     = Windows_NT
originalEnv(OSTYPE)                 = msys
originalEnv(PATH)                   = c:/Temp/tcl8.5b1/win;.;C:/msys/local/bin;C:/msys/mingw/bin;C:/msys/bin;c:/WINDOWS/system32;c:/
WINDOWS;c:/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem;c:/Program Files/oracle/jre/1.3.1/bin/;c:/oracle/ora92/bin/;c:/Program Files/Oracle/jre/1.1.8/bin/;
h:/application_data/notes;c:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin;c:/Mercurial;c:/tcl/bin;C:/msys/bin
originalEnv(PATHEXT)                = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH
originalEnv(PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER)   = x86 Family 15 Model 3 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
originalEnv(PROCESSOR_LEVEL)        = 15
originalEnv(PROCESSOR_REVISION)     = 0304
originalEnv(PROGRAMFILES)           = C:\Program Files
originalEnv(PWD)                    = c:/Temp/tk8.5b1/win
originalEnv(RX_DISPLAY)             = 0
originalEnv(SESSIONNAME)            = Console
originalEnv(SHELL)                  = C:/msys/bin/sh
originalEnv(SHLVL)                  = 2
originalEnv(SYSTEMDRIVE)            = C:
originalEnv(SYSTEMROOT)             = C:\WINDOWS
originalEnv(TCL_LIBRARY)            = c:/Temp/tcl8.5b1/library
originalEnv(TEMP)                   = C:\DOCUME~1\nlv18605\LOCALS~1\Temp
originalEnv(TERM)                   = cygwin
originalEnv(TESTFLAGS)              = -file ttk.test -debug 3
originalEnv(TK_LIBRARY)             = ./../library
originalEnv(TMP)                    = C:\DOCUME~1\nlv18605\LOCALS~1\Temp
originalEnv(USERDOMAIN)             = CODE1
originalEnv(USERNAME)               = nlv18605
originalEnv(USERPROFILE)            = C:\Documents and Settings\nlv18605
originalEnv(WINDIR)                 = C:\WINDOWS
originalEnv(_)                      = ./tktest.exe
test ttk-6.1 -body {
    pack [ttk::checkbutton .sd -text "Self-destruction" -variable ::sd]
    trace variable sd w [list selfdestruct .sd]
    .sd invoke
} -returnCodes 1
test ttk-6.2 -body {
    winfo exists .sd
} -result 0
test ttk-6.3 -body {
    interp create foo
    foo eval { if {[catch {package require Tk}]} { load {} Tk } }
    foo eval { destroy . }
    interp delete foo
test ttk-6.4 -body {
    trace variable OUCH r { kill.b }
    proc kill.b {args} { destroy .b }
    pack [ttk::checkbutton .b]
    .b configure -variable OUCH
    # At this point, .b should be gone.
    .b invoke
    list [set OUCH] [winfo exists .b]
    # Mostly we just care that we haven't crashed the interpreter.
} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
test ttk-6.5 -body {
    foreach class {ttk::button ttk::checkbutton ttk::radiobutton} {
        $class .b1 -textvariable V
        set V "asdf"
        destroy .b1
        set V ""
test ttk-6.6 -body {
    pack [ttk::button .b1 -text Hi!]
    ttk::style configure TButton -foreground badColor
    event generate .b1 <Expose>
    ttk::style configure TButton -foreground black
    destroy .b1
    set ::bgerror
} -result {unknown color name "badColor"}
test ttk-6.7 -body {
    foreach widget {
        button checkbutton radiobutton sizegrip separator notebook
        progressbar panedwindow scrollbar
    } {
        ttk::$widget .w
        pack .w
        destroy .w
test ttk-6.8 -body {
    ttk::button .b -command ".b configure -command {}; set ::A {it worked}"
    .b invoke
    destroy .b
    set ::A
} -result {it worked}
test ttk-6.9 -setup {
    ttk::style theme create badfont -settings {
        ttk::style configure . -font {Helvetica 12 Bogus}
    ttk::style theme use badfont
} -cleanup {
    ttk::style theme use default
} -body {
    pack [ttk::label .l -text Hi! -font {}]
    event generate .l <Expose>
    destroy .l
    set ::bgerror
} -result {unknown font style "Bogus"}
test ttk-1.1 -body {
    pack [ttk::button .t] -expand true -fill both
test ttk-1.2 -body {
    .t cget -style
} -result {}
test ttk-1.4 -body {
    .t cget -style
} -result {}
test ttk-2.0 -body {
    checkstate .t
} -result {1 0 0 0 0 0}
test ttk-2.1 -body {
    .t state active
} -result !active
test ttk-2.2 -body {
    checkstate .t
} -result {0 0 1 0 1 0}
test ttk-2.3 -body {
    .t state {!active disabled}
} -result {active !disabled}
test ttk-2.4 -body {
    checkstate .t
} -result {0 1 0 0 0 1}
test ttk-2.5 -body {
    .t state !disabled
} -result disabled
test ttk-2.6 -body {
    set x 0
    .t instate disabled { set x 1 }
    set x
} -result 0
test ttk-2.7 -body {
    set x 0
    .t instate !disabled { set x 1 }
    set x
} -result 1
test ttk-3.0 -body {
    ttk::button .bad -badoption foo
} -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown option "-badoption"} -match glob
test ttk-3.1 -body {
    .bad state disabled
} -returnCodes 1 -result {invalid command name ".bad"} -match glob
test ttk-3.2 -body {
    set A 0
    trace add variable A write {error "failure" ;# }
    ttk::checkbutton .cb -variable A
    .cb invoke
} -cleanup {
    unset ::A ; destroy .cb
} -returnCodes error -result {can't set "A": failure}
test ttk-4.0 -body {
    catch { destroy .t }
    pack [ttk::label .t -text "Button 1"]
    testConstraint fontOption [expr ![catch { set prevFont [.t cget -font] }]]
test ttk-4.1 -constraints fontOption -body {
    .t configure -font "Helvetica 18 bold"
test ttk-4.2 -constraints fontOption -body {
    .t cget -font
} -result {Helvetica 18 bold}
test ttk-4.3 -constraints fontOption -body {
    .t configure -font $prevFont
test ttk-4.4 -body {
    ttk::style theme settings alt {
        ttk::style configure TButton -font {Bad font}
        # @@@ it would be best to raise an error at this point,
        # @@@ but that's not really feasible in the current framework.
    pack [ttk::button .tb1 -text "Ouch"]
    ttk::style theme use alt
    # As long as we haven't crashed, everything's OK
    ttk::style theme settings alt {
        ttk::style configure TButton -font TkDefaultFont
    ttk::style theme use default
    destroy .tb1
test ttk-5.1 -body {
    pack [ttk::checkbutton .cb -text "TCheckbutton" -variable cb]
test ttk-5.2 -body {
    .cb invoke
    list [set ::cb] [.cb instate selected]
} -result {1 1}
test ttk-5.3 -body {
    .cb invoke
    list [set ::cb] [.cb instate selected]
} -result {0 0}
test ttk-5.4 -body {
    set result []
    set ::cb 1
    lappend result [.cb instate selected]
    set ::cb 0
    lappend result [.cb instate selected]
} -result {1 0}
test ttk-5.5 -body {
    set result []
    unset ::cb
    lappend result [.cb instate alternate] [info exists ::cb]
    set ::cb 1
    lappend result [.cb instate alternate] [info exists ::cb]
} -result {1 0 0 1}
test ttk-5.6 -body {
    destroy .cb ; unset -nocomplain {} ; set result [list]
    ttk::checkbutton .cb -onvalue on -offvalue off
    lappend result [.cb cget -variable] [info exists .cb] [.cb state]
    .cb invoke
    lappend result [info exists .cb] [set .cb] [.cb state]
    .cb invoke
    lappend result [info exists .cb] [set .cb] [.cb state]
} -result {.cb 0 alternate 1 on selected 1 off {}}
test ttk-7.1 -body {
    pack  [ttk::radiobutton .rb1 -text "One" -variable choice -value 1]  [ttk::radiobutton .rb2 -text "Two" -variable choice -value
2]  [ttk::radiobutton .rb3 -text "Three" -variable choice -value 3]  ;
test ttk-7.2 -body {
    .rb1 invoke
    set ::choice
} -result 1
test ttk-7.3 -body {
    .rb1 instate selected
} -result 1
test ttk-7.4 -body {
    .rb2 invoke
    set ::choice
} -result 2
test ttk-7.5 -body {
    .rb2 instate selected
} -result 1
test ttk-7.6 -body {
    .rb1 instate selected
} -result 0
test ttk-7.7 -body {
    unset ::choice
    list [info exists ::choice] [.rb1 instate alternate] [.rb2 instate alternate]
} -result {0 1 1}
test ttk-7.8 -body {
    set ::choice 2
    list [info exists ::choice] [.rb1 instate alternate] [.rb2 instate alternate]
} -result {1 0 0}
test ttk-8.0 -body {
    ttk::button .ctb
    image create photo icon -data $::iconData;
    pack .ctb
test ttk-8.1 -body {
    # Exhaustively test each combination.
    # Main goal is to make sure no code paths crash.
    foreach image {icon ""} {
        foreach text {"Hi!" ""} {
            foreach compound $::compoundStrings {
                .ctb configure -image $image -text $text -compound $compound
                update; tick
test ttk-8.2 -body {
    button .rtb
    pack .rtb

    foreach image {"" icon} {
        foreach text {"Hi!" ""} {
            foreach compound [lrange $::compoundStrings 2 end] {
                .rtb configure -image $image -text $text -compound $compound
                update; tick
test ttk-8.3 -body {
    foreach image {icon ""} {
        foreach text {"Hi!" ""} {
            foreach compound $::compoundStrings {
                .ctb configure -image $image -text $text -compound $compound
                update; tick
test ttk-8.4 -body {
    ttk::button .b -image icon
    icon blank
} -cleanup { destroy .b }
test ttk-9.1 -body {
    ttk::checkbutton .tcb -variable foo::bar
} -returnCodes 1 -result {*parent namespace doesn't exist*} -match glob
test ttk-9.2 -body {
    ttk::checkbutton .tcb -variable X
    .tcb configure -variable foo::bar
} -returnCodes 1 -result {*parent namespace doesn't exist*} -match glob
test ttk-9.3 -body {
    .tcb cget -variable
} -result X
test ttk-9.4 -body {
    set tcbLabel "Testing..."
    .tcb configure -textvariable tcbLabel
    .tcb cget -text
} -result Testing...
test ttk-9.5 -body {
    .tcb configure -text "Changed -text"
    .tcb cget -text
} -result Testing...
test ttk-9.6 -body {
    unset tcbLabel
    list [info exists tcbLabel] [.tcb cget -text]
} -result {0 {}}
test ttk-9.7 -body {
# NB: the ttk label behaves differently from the standard label here;
# NB: this is on purpose: I believe the standard behaviour is the Wrong Thing
    unset -nocomplain V1  V2
    label .l -text Foo ; ttk::label .tl -text Foo

    .l configure -textvariable V1 ; .tl configure -textvariable V2
    list [set V1] [info exists V2]
} -cleanup { destroy .l .tl } -result {Foo 0}
test ttk-9.8 -body {
    ttk::label .tl -textvariable TV
    set TV Foo
    .tl configure -text Bar
    .tl cget -text
} -cleanup { destroy .tl } -result Foo
test ttk-10.1 -body {
    ttk::frame .f -class Foo
} -result .f
test ttk-10.2 -body {
    winfo class .f
} -result Foo
test ttk-10.3 -body {
    .f cget -class
} -result Foo
test ttk-10.4 -body {
    .f configure -class Bar
} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result {*read-only option*}
test ttk-10.5 -body {
    .f cget -class
} -result Foo
test ttk-11.1 -body {
    ttk::button .b
    .b instate disabled
} -result 0
test ttk-11.2 -body {
    .b configure -state disabled
    .b instate disabled
} -result 1
test ttk-11.3 -body {
    .b configure -state normal
    .b instate disabled
} -result 0
test ttk-11.4 -body {
    .b configure -state bogus
    .b state
} -result {}
test ttk-11.5 -body {
    .b configure -state active
    .b state
} -result active -cleanup { .b state !active }
test ttk-11.6 -body {
    .b configure -state readonly
    .b state
} -result readonly -cleanup { .b state !readonly }
test ttk-11.7 -body {
    destroy .b
test ttk-12.1 -body {
    ttk::button .b
    .b cget -cursor
} -result {}
test ttk-12.2 -body {
    .b configure -cursor arrow
    .b cget -cursor
} -result arrow
test ttk-12.3 -body {
    destroy .t
    toplevel .t
    raise .t
    pack [set t [ttk::frame .t.f]] -expand true -fill x ;
    pack [ttk::label $t.l -text "ASDF QWERTY"] -expand true -fill both
    foreach theme {default alt} {
        ttk::style theme use $theme
        foreach relief {flat raised sunken ridge groove solid} {
            $t configure -relief $relief
            for {set i 5} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
                $t configure -borderwidth $i
test ttk-12.4 -body {
    .t.f configure -relief raised
    .t.f configure -borderwidth 1
    ttk::style theme use alt
test ttk-13.1 -body {
    ttk::button .tb1 -style badstyle
} -returnCodes 1 -result {*badstyle not found*} -match glob
test ttk-13.4 -body {
    ttk::button .tb1
    .tb1 configure -style badstyle
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tb1
} -returnCodes 1 -result {*badstyle not found*} -match glob
test ttk-13.5 -body {
    ttk::style layout badstyle {
    ttk::button .tb1 -style badstyle
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tb1
} -result .tb1
test ttk-14.1 -body {
    ttk::checkbutton .tw -variable ::nsn::foo
} -returnCodes 1 -result {can't trace *: parent namespace doesn't exist} -match glob -cleanup { destroy .tw }
test ttk-14.2 -body {
    ttk::label .tw -textvariable ::nsn::foo
} -returnCodes 1 -result {can't trace *: parent namespace doesn't exist} -match glob -cleanup { destroy .tw }
test ttk-14.3 -body {
    ttk::entry .tw -textvariable ::nsn::foo
} -returnCodes 1 -result {can't trace *: parent namespace doesn't exist} -match glob -cleanup { destroy .tw }
entering testConstraint interactive
entering SafeFetch testConstraints interactive r
entering ConstraintInitializer interactive
entering testConstraint interactive 0

Tests ended at Tue Sep 18 11:53:39 +0200 2007
all.tcl:        Total   77      Passed  0       Skipped 77      Failed  0
Sourced 1 Test Files.
Number of tests skipped for each constraint:
        77      userSpecifiedNonMatch
entering testConstraint interactive
entering SafeFetch testConstraints interactive r
entering ConstraintInitializer interactive
entering testConstraint interactive 0