Posted to tcl by mjanssen at Wed Sep 12 09:05:45 GMT 2007view pretty

# see tip 171 for origin
# place in Tcl/lib/tcl8/tcl8.5 to use

bind Text <MouseWheel> {} 

proc ::tk::MouseWheel {wFired X Y D {shifted 0}} {
    # Set event to check based on call
    set evt "<[expr {$shifted?{Shift-}:{}}]MouseWheel>"
    # do not double-fire in case the class already has a binding
    if {[bind [winfo class $wFired] $evt] ne ""} { return }
    # obtain the window the mouse is over
    set w [winfo containing $X $Y]
    # if we are outside the app, try and scroll the focus widget
    if {![winfo exists $w]} { catch {set w [focus]} }
    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
	if {[bind $w $evt] ne ""} {
	    # Awkward ... this widget has a MouseWheel binding, but to
	    # trigger successfully in it, we must give it focus.
	    catch {focus} old
	    if {$w ne $old} { focus $w }
	    event generate $w $evt -rootx $X -rooty $Y -delta $D
	    if {$w ne $old} { focus $old }
	# aqua and x11/win32 have different delta handling
	if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
	    set delta [expr {- ($D / 30)}]
	} else {
	    set delta [expr {- ($D)}]
	# scrollbars have different call conventions
	if {[string match "*Scrollbar" [winfo class $w]]} {
	    catch {tk::ScrollByUnits $w \
		       [string index [$w cget -orient] 0] $delta}
	} else {
	    set cmd [list $w [expr {$shifted ? "xview" : "yview"}] \
			 scroll $delta units]
	    # Walking up to find the proper widget handles cases like
	    # embedded widgets in a canvas
	    while {[catch $cmd] && [winfo toplevel $w] ne $w} {
		set w [winfo parent $w]
bind all <MouseWheel> [list ::tk::MouseWheel %W %X %Y %D 0]
bind all <Shift-MouseWheel> [list ::tk::MouseWheel %W %X %Y %D 1]
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {
    # Support for mousewheels on Linux/Unix commonly comes through
    # mapping the wheel to the extended buttons.
    bind all <4> [list ::tk::MouseWheel %W %X %Y 120]
    bind all <5> [list ::tk::MouseWheel %W %X %Y -120]

package provide mousewheel 0.1